Gary Baseman Slugilicious Painted Prototypes
|It’s green, it’s by Gary Baseman and it comes with pharmaceutical accessories. #WINNING. Following yesterday’s reveal of their Frank Kozik figures, Arts Unknown looks like it has another hit on their hands. There hasn’t been a full-sized Baseman figure since the short-lived Kidrobot Black series. The UK-based Arts Unknown is offering an increasingly attractive membership package. Anybody enrolled yet? Click through for more photos of Slugilicious.
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I actually enrolled, and signed up for the Kozik piece, when they first made pre-signups available. Felt like I was getting in early on something big at the time but soon after started to feel like I’d just spent (or committed to spend, I don’t even remember anymore!) money on a black hole timeshare. It’s really great to see pictures of actual physical product finally being release and I’m excited all over again! This Baseman piece is pretty awesome.