Resin Forest Guardians by Miss Muju
|Since today started with Bigfoot and his planet-saving paintings, it seemed fitting to end on these gorgeous green Forest Guardians resins by Miss Muju.
This guy looked so giffable; I couldn’t help myself. Miss Muju sculpted the Forest Guardian and cast an edition of ten. She then hand painted each resin in varying shades of green. Each really lovely figure stands 8 inches tall.
This is slightly off-topic, but I’d just like to use this opportunity to point out that while I may take the occasional pot-shot at hippies, I secretly envy them for moving off the grid and communing with nature. Mr. and Miss Muju live in the beautiful coastal town of St Ives in Cornwall, England, and, as evidenced by the “Make Tea Not War” mug and VW bus in the process photo above, these are hippie-made resins. And awesome ones at that! Order placed.
I’m going to go out on a (tree) limb and state for the record that I prefer “hippie resin” to “urban vinyl”. At the time of this post, only four of Miss Muju’s ten green Forest Guardians remain. Each unique figure is signed and numbered on the base and comes in a custom painted box for £65 (which is ~ $120 shipped to the US). Get your Guardian here.