(Cone)head’s up! The fun and festive Ice Scream collab with Brutherford Industries I announced on Friday and weatherproofed this weekend will be available to purchase in 30 mere minutes.
I spent the weekend preparing Brutherford’s Ice Scream Pine Cones for submersion. After adhering the Ice Screams to the bottoms of the snow globes, I weatherproofed them with
This just in: it’s snowing in San Francisco. I’ve been wanting to do something with Brutherford since breaking the story that the New Jersey-based designer makes toys while
Art school is hardly the school of hard knocks, but it’s not exactly a cakewalk for students matriculating into today’s workforce either. Brutherford Industries‘ latest popject is a
A fantastic new issue of Design Bureau magazine is now on stands! In addition to my Toys by Design column on Brutherford Industries (above), this 2nd anniversary issue features
If you thought Brutherford was onto some next level shit with last month’s Tarantino-tie-in “Badass Brown,” prepare to melt. Meet Phantom the Scream Queen and her bounty of
As we reach the end of June, the days are longer and more artists, designers and makers continue to join Instagram. This week’s Instagram Roundup shows a forecast
Welcome to the latest installment of the recurring Instagram Roundup. Every friday, I bring you art, toys, cats and propaganda from the IG universe. I had to skip a week
The nice thing about “rules,” is that it’s fun to find exceptions. As I’ve mentioned on several previous occasions, and despite being what some folks might call “customized