Photos of Deep-fried Gadgets

Deep-fried Gadgets by Henry Hargreaves

In his latest series of food-related photography, Henry Hargreaves proves that you can only “Taste The Rainbow” for so long. The shiny gadgets of consumer culture stop glistening when version 2.0 comes around. At the end of the rainbow, there’s not a pot of gold, but rather a pile of depreciation.

Deep-fried Gadgets by Henry Hargreaves

The iPad, iPod or iPhone that once seemed so new and exciting becomes a burden. You can try to resell it, but you’ll probably just end up paying to recycle it. Might as well deep-fry it and call it art.

Deep-fried Gadgets by Henry Hargreaves

I’m going to assume that Hargreaves, who hails from New Zealand and now lives in Brooklyn, is using the deep-fried aesthetic to point the finger at America, specifically. We sure do like our fried foods and disposable culture! If the sight/scent of fried iPod earbuds gets you excited, click through for the rest of Hargreaves’ deep-fried gadgets.

Deep-fried Gadgets by Henry Hargreaves

Deep-fried Gadgets by Henry Hargreaves

Deep-fried Gadgets by Henry Hargreaves

Deep-fried Gadgets by Henry Hargreaves

Deep-fried earbuds by Henry Hargreaves