This was last Thursday in Downtown, Oakland. That’s me in the center and JR at far right. For reals. If you’ve been following this blog, you might recall
It’s been ages since I put together an Instagram Roundup. Here’s a selection of blasphemous bunnies and cheeky crucifixions posted on Easter 2013 by some of the usual
Here’s a toy story for your Tuesday that’s not snarky like Aled Lewis’ Toy Stories or sad like Michael Wolf’s The Real Toy Story. It’s actually kind of sweet! Italian
West Oakland’s 16th Street train station was designed by architect Jarvis Hunt, and it opened for business (101 years ago) in 1912. In its early days, the station
Furries are fascinating, so drop that “higher than thou” judgement. Besides, toy art collectors have been known to get into character. (Like these people who dressed up as
Sometimes I fall prey to romanticizing the anonymous precision of factory-made multiples. It takes only a reporter going undercover at Foxconn or photos from Michael Wolf’s The Real Toy
I haven’t backed a Kickstarter project in a while, so I hope this isn’t me opening the floodgates to all manner of folks who want free advertising, but
Sarah Illenberger is a Munich-born, Berlin-based visual communicator. Her work consistently surprises me and makes me smile. She can take two everyday objects (cabbage + dress; apple +
Hungry for more synesthesia? Carl Warner is a UK-based foodscapes designer whose mediums are food and photography. Quoth Carl: I tend to draw a very conventional landscape using