There Are Giant Designer Snowmen in Torontoland
How cool are Canadians? When life gives them snow, they make snowmen. Giant, designer snowmen by artists like TADO, Nathan Jurevicius, Tara McPherson, APAK, Rilla Alexander and Travis Lampe.

The Giant Snowmen were donated by artists for a comprehensive and fun project called Torontoland. It’s part savvy plan to stir up shopping and invigorate the city’s economy, part outdoor art exhibit/photo-op and part charity. Regarding the latter, if you come across one of the Giant Snowmen, take a picture with it. For every photo received, Torontoland will donate $2 to the Starlight Children’s Foundation in Canada. The project runs through December 20th or until the maximum donation of $50,000 is reached. As of this post, they are at $15,218 with a TON of photos to show for it.

The project is really well-done. It’s got a dedicated Facebook page showcasing the artists and an interactive Google map to find the snowmen.

Poor Melty McCrybaby. No wonder Lampe’s snowman is sad. He seems to be the least located of the bunch, not to mention he must be suffering from S.A.D. under those harsh fluorescent lights. Canadians: please go visit him, OK?
Click through for photos of all 16 snowmen and some of their admirers.