It’s been almost a year since I wrote about “Potheads” by Yoskay Yamamoto. Back in April 2011, upstart art toy company, Inner Sanctum, was “taking [their] time with them
Camilla D’Errico writes: Like Christmas for nerds, geeks, and fans, San Diego Comic-Con is back again! We’ll be set up at booth 4723, on the corner right across from
Following this past weekend’s signing with Mari Inukai at the lone, remaining Giant Robot shop in Los Angeles, intriguing new art toy company Inner Sanctum has released complete
This is fantastic: Yoskay Yamamoto pottery! The project is currently in development with Inner Sanctum whose Facebook page says they are “taking [their] time with them to make sure they
Inner Sanctum just revealed Camilla d’Errico’s first ever vinyl figure, Kuro. The character, who comes from Camilla’s Tanpopo books, can be found in all kinds of 3D forms
I’m intrigued by this prototype called Specimen No. 1, which is based on a painting by Jason Limón. The piece was sculpted by Inner Sanctum, the Bakersfield, CA-based company