Just Call Me The Curl of Sandwich
|While the Internet went all abuzz about the world’s biggest ($5 million) miniature airport, Brooklyn-based bento and plush artist, Anna The Red, quietly and fastidiously turned my face into a ham sandwich. She revealed it to me this morning, and I couldn’t be more honored. You can get a sense of the scale of this project by the placement of the matchstick. She cut all that stubble, sideburns and Jewfro out of seaweed. Seaweed.
Here’s an earlier stage. That’s my silhouette cut out of provolone. (Eat your heart out, Swoon!) If you read this blog, you might have picked up on the fact that I’m very intrigued by art that turns what could be construed as a “simple task” into a time-intensive, full-on OCD undertaking. Anna is a veritable master of this, and she practices her art in the most ephemeral of mediums: food. So, she dedicates her time to making art that quickly meets its demise during digestion. These days, everyone looks for the fastest path to fame. Gone are the days of making mix tapes, song by song, pressing record-play-pause and cutting out ransom-note style letters for the covers. This sandwich somehow makes me nostalgic for those times. I have massive appreciation for Anna’s bento art, and I really recommend you check it out.
Anna made me this sandwich portrait as a thank you for some help I gave her with a toy-related project, and I would gladly do it again. This is super rad and flattering. I mean, how awesome is this? Thanks Anna, and I hope the design blogs pick up on your new trend of cheese-cut typography… Check out her full story here.
Is that Kosher?
Ha, yeah, just HAD to be ham, didn’t it?
And…. headcheese…. had to say it.