Mini Luno from Sergey Safonov and Crazy Label

Mini Luno by Sergey Safonov

First seen exclusively by Project Luno Kickstarter backers, here now is a dose of extreme cuteness for your Wednesday morning consumption. You’re looking at the finished sculpt of Sergey Safonov‘s Mini Luno produced by Crazy Label.

Mini Luno by Sergey Safonov

It’s so cute! Mini Luno will be available in a couple weeks in glossy white, but to get him, you need to make a $35 pledge to the Luno the Moon Rover Kickstarter project. We’re funded, so this is definitely happening. So stoked for Sergey!

Mini Luno by Sergey SafonovWords from Mr. Safonov: “Those of you who pledged for a set of Original and Mini Lunos [$100] can see a happy family which will be delivered to your doorsteps pretty soon. Please note. Batteries not included…” I can’t wait to get these guys.