Michael Jackson’s face went through many transformations in the brief time he was with us, and his monster visage in Thriller was one of the least frightful. Leave
When people who wear suits and sit around in conference rooms talk about “brand devotion,” they should take a look at this picture. Tara is a local collector
Kidrobot has had my attention the past few days for slashing prices on its products. It’s unusual for the company to offer such a large percentage discount on
Two crossovers between the recording industry and the toy industry have been in the news lately. First up: San Francisco vinyl toy company, Super7, collaborated with Arizona hardcore
Invasion Studios of Singapore and Pixel Deep of Taiwan used action figures to highlight the new Adidas G.Iconic campaign. Ken’s looking pretty fierce in those rainbow slip-ons. All
In April of 2009, three years after beginning the YHWH project for Mark Ryden, sculptor Dave Pressler posted a series of blog posts detailing his experiences creating the
Michael Lau has been on my mind lately. For a designer who most people agree is the originator (or a pioneer) of the “designer toy” genre, he certainly
Here’s a project that’s got just about the opposite mission of Kidrobot’s “Nostalgia is Death” camp. SquidKidsInk is turning the retro dial way back with its trio of
At 11AM PST today, Le Merde will release this 9-inch clear purple Hujili’s Ghost. The figure is a mashup of Gargamel‘s Hedoran Smog Monster and Le Merde’s severed-for-life character, Hujili’s