Winner of the Best Character category in that Kidrobot Munny contest, Gary Ham, is not just some platform-jockey. The dude knows characters, and he makes his own, too.
Urban vinyl pioneer, Eric So, updates his 2002 vinyl Edison Chen figure with new colors and a USB drive. The USB drive is cleverly hidden inside the hair
Tamara from Australia has a most-awesome collection of Kathie Olivas (and also Brandt Peters) toys and sculptures. I love seeing photos of collections like this. It must have
Instinctoy is now accepting international orders on their second Pandemic collaboration with BanaNa viruS! I don’t think I need to tell you how much I enjoy these GID rabbits,
I’m intrigued by this strange toy designed by French graffiti artist Alëxone, sculpted by Julien Moreau and produced by a Jeremyriad-favorite, Artoyz. The 6×9″ vinyl figure is called French Lowrider.
Here we go again! First there was Got Away Clean. Next up was The Big Sleep. Then came this Retailer Version. (Somebody’s missing, right?) The Trouble Boys collaboration
Coarse Toys make poetry out of plastic, so it’s not really a surprise that each edition is accompanied by a short, abstract story. It begins: spreading warmth and