Toronto-based artist Amy Swartz combines taxidermy insects and plastic toy parts in an amazing ongoing series called Pest. Her work explores the idea of obsession “not only in the
Over 500 whimsical objects have just been on exhibit at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. The nostalgia-inducing art and toy designs are all connected by Swedish social theorist
Move over Sucklord, TV has a new toy lord, and he’s not from Chinatown; he’s from New Jersey! Starting next Wednesday, The Travel Channel will begin airing their
Welcome to The MINT (Moment of Imagination and Nostalgia with Toys) Museum of Toys: “the world’s first purpose-built museum for toys”. After reading my story on France’s fantastic collection of vintage toys (Les
France’s Museum of Decorative Arts has digitized a great library of vintage toys (or ‘jouets’ as they whimsically call them). It is utterly comprehensive and wonderful. If any Decorative Arts librarians
Yes, it’s the Friday Instagram Roundup on a Tuesday. Last week’s IG photo re-cap was pre-empted for Bailey’s Memorial Pictorial. I found a lot of support through social
Frank Kozik, creator of the Smorkin’ Labbit, knows a thing or two about cute vintage advertising. Yesterday’s controversy over cannibalism and cake left me with a bad taste
Courtesy of Children’s Toys of Bygone Days: A History of Playthings of All Peoples from Prehistoric Times to the XIXth Century by Karl Grober, English version by Philip Hereford. London,
Randy Regier is an artist who makes vintage toys that didn’t actually exist, but certainly could have. Regier’s range of imaginary toys is shown through the eyes of