Unboxing 600 Dunnys
|You don’t see a lot of Dunnys on my blog, so here’s me making up for it by unboxing A LOT of Dunnys on my blog all at once. A Kiwi guy who goes by the name Hakopa (his first name in Maori) got drunk with his best friend and unboxed a large quantity of his Dunny collection into the concrete space of a gallery. Well, I’ll let him tell you:
These approximately 620 dunnies took 4 hours to unpack and set up whilst extremely hungover and 3 hours to pack back up the next day, all in a borrowed gallery space because we lacked the space to do it at my place.
Here’s a timelapse of the melee:
But my favorite bit comes from his blog post and its simple title: “A Disturbing Realization”. Collectors are a special breed of OCD and awesome!
[via VTSS]
Ha! Cheers for the kind words. We’d been talking about doing this for a while but it took a horrific hangover and holidaying gallery-owning friends to make it a reality. The vinyl aromas in that concrete box were… intoxicating.