The Unconventional Toy Art of T9G x Bwana Spoons

T9G custom Kubricks

Tokyo-based T9G and Portland-based Bwana Spoons recently opened a show of customized and collaborative vinyl toy art at LA’s Toy Art Gallery. I enjoy each artist’s work independently, and I wondered if their mutual fandom would lead to über customs where the wholes eclipsed the sums of their parts.

T9G Moznail
T9G Custom Moznail

While the duo produced a massive trove of toys, I think I’ll continue to collect their work separately. Even in green, you just can’t beat these O.G. Moznails! In terms of the mash-ups, the recent Kaiju for Grody Ups mash-ups were kooky and fun, but the TxB hybrids here felt a little haphazard. All that said, when it worked, it worked well. And it was never boring.

T9G x Bwana Spoons Custom Killer
T9G x Bwana Spoons Custom Killer

I think this clear Killer stuffed with pom poms and spouting Moznail’s bunnies is fantastically absurd! And T9G’s custom 100% Rangeas Kubricks at $100 a pop should be snapped up online pretty quickly.

T9G x Bwana Spoons Custom Rangeas
T9G x Bwana Spoons Custom Rangeas

Click through for more of the unconventional, intercontinental collabs I found interesting.

T9G x Bwana Spoons Custom Rangeas x Steven the Bat Mashup
T9G x Bwana Spoons Custom Rangeas x Steven the Bat Mashup
T9G x Bwana Spoons Custom Itch
T9G x Bwana Spoons Custom Itch
T9G Shyly
T9G Shyly
T9G Custom 100% Rangeas Kubrick
T9G Custom 100% Rangeas Kubrick
T9G x Bwana Spoons Custom Kitaro MOG
T9G x Bwana Spoons Custom Kitaro MOG