Next Up: Doktor A Chester Runcorn
|Hot (and waxy) on the heels of Humphrey Mooncalf comes news of what’s next from Doktor A Chester Runcorn (shown above as a wax prototype). Little is known about this mustachio’d fellow whose tripod body could double as a massage tool.
The original character by Doktor A is being produced in at least a few colorways by Kuso Vinyl. (The red version shown above was on display at last year’s DesignerCon.) Chester may debut as early as March this year.
Oh, about the name: Could be just a red herring, but “Chester” and “Runcorn” are two UK towns located about 25 minutes apart.
One Comment
I hope these bad boys are a fair bit cheaper than his Humphrey Mooncalf’s (not that they’re not worth the money). Anybody got any guesses for price, based on the Chester’s size in Dok’s hands?
As for the names, I remember an episode of “Toy Break” where Joe Ledbetter discussed naming his toys (or at least Pico and Wilshire) using random street sign names (I think it was street signs). So, maybe random locations are a popular choice for toy names.