Lunos Are Landing Globally
|Thanks to Twitter and Flickr, it’s been really nice seeing Luno the Moon Rover and Mini Luno landing all over the world this week. Obviously, I’m partial to watching the figure come to fruition because I was involved with its fundraising. I also like the artist, the producer and the concept of actually receiving a Kickstarter award, which as of today, excluding this project, I’m still 0 for 4 on. (Come on, guys: follow through!)
When people in a community give you their money to realize a project project, I’m of the opinion that you should give them back more than what you offered. To this extent, Sergey Safonov has gone above and beyond. Not only did he travel from Russia to Hong Kong to sign and sketch every single box, but his resin Luno the Moon Rovers are already reaching cities around the world. I can’t wait for that knock on my door. Click through to see some Lunos who landed in the U.S. and photos of the hand-drawn packaging.
I am so happy this happening!
Thank you, everyone involved in making my dream project come true, especially Jeremy and Andy.
Big Luno smile 8)
I was kind of skeptical about how these would look QC-wise but I just got mine in the mail and it looks AMAZING! Really glad I could be a part of this, thanks Sergey!