Circus Posterus: Monsters and Misfits Begins!
|The time of Circus Posterus: Monsters and Misfits is finally upon us. I have to say, from a critical perspective, everything about this art show hosted by Tomenosuke at Kusakabe Folk Museum in Japan as really been handled with aplomb. The only thing they did wrong I guess was forgetting to inform Mother Nature that they were planning an awesome show with Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters, and Chris Ryniak in what would become the immediate aftermath of a major earthquake and tsunami.
Although the trio of American artists ultimately decided to cancel their trip to Japan, the show is going on. They’ve prepared an immense amount of work for Monsters and Misfits, including: limited edition sculptures, custom toys, paintings, prints, an exhibition book and more.
The gorgeous and striking pieces above are in limited editions of 30 (for the Skelves), 100 (for the Blue Crumbeater) and 66 (for the Bubblegut). They go on sale at 12 noon Japan time, which is in just about 6 hours or 8PM PST/11PM EST.
Filed under “Quit Bowling Me Over With Awesomeness” is this Kathie and Brant collaborative ceramic sake set (available in additional colors). I will, on occasion, drink sake, but as most ritualistic collectors know, there’s nothing like new gear to kickstart a fresh vice!
There is so much to see. Start looking by clicking links here, and then when the hands align at 12PM Japan time, move your cursor over to here. At that point, you should quickly click on the name (or picture) of the piece you want, and you’ll be able to submit an order form. Inquiries can also be made via email at info [at] tomenosuke [dot] com, but please be cool and don’t send them 20 emails with the subject heading: “BUBBLEGUT BE MINE!”
Here’s another neat thing I noticed clicking my way through links in an abstract exercise of deciding against assistance from Google Translation. The artists must have worked with the shop and the museum to digitally map out the layout of the show. That’s clever.
I have heard many artists and fans complaining lately about the lack of support galleries put into their shows these days, but from my vantage point, the Monsters and Misfits crew (artists, curators, gallerists, museum, assistants, friends, fans) did an excellent job. I wish I could see this show in person, but alas, I am geographically challenged. Hoping one of my friends in the area will shoot some good photos. See you and your clicker-fingers in a few hours…