Sergey Safonov & Crazy Label in Hong Kong

Sergey Safonov signing LunoSergey Safonov (whose hair has grown back since we last saw him) is in Hong Kong right now to sign the packaging for his Luno the Moon Rover resins. This trip was made possible by your pledges through Kickstarter. He sent over a batch of photos to share with us from his visit to Crazy Label.

The well-traveled gentlemen and intrepid toy photographer known as doc18 (or Ray to some) was also on hand to document the occasion. Doc18 provided the mini Square shown in the photo below. Sergey provided the mini human shown in the photo above. Click through for more photos from inside Crazy Label. [Stay tuned for photos of his visit with Coarse Toys…]

Andy of Crazy Label
Mina of Crazy Label