In 2008, a very talented toy customizer named Tam, or virtually as okedoki, modified an 8-inch Kidrobot Dunny to look like Hitler. This was a commissioned piece. She went
This little missive opened a lot of doors for me. I wrote it out of nostalgia and frustration, not anticipating the fast and furious reaction it generated. The
On Monday, we began a conversation about blind box toys, and we started at the source: the toy companies. Kidrobot and MINDstyle both said that their fans enjoy
All this week, ToyCyte has been having a conversation about blind box toys: Are they a marketing strategy or a fun experience? As designer toys travel from toy
The designer toy scene was born in the mid-late 1990s in Hong Kong (Michael Lau), Japan (Bounty Hunter), the UK (James Jarvis) and the USA (Kaws). A culture
This Huck Gee interview was one of my first “probing” interviews for ToyCyte. In all cultures, there are certain questions that are taboo. Asking artists about money is