A Trashy Tribute to Honey Boo Boo by Jason Mecier

Honey Boo Boo by Jason Mecier

Jason Mecier has a knack for turning trash into trash art and churning out his mosaic portraits without pausing to ponder if it’s “too soon”. Recently, Mecier hopped aboard the train(wreck) that is Honey Boo Boo, and after 50 hours and 25 pounds of trash, recycling and found objects, he produced a tribute fit for this particular beauty queen.

Did you know that Honey Boo Boo has a page on Wikipedia? Of course it does. It’s where I learned that we can look forward to Honey Boo Boo Thanksgiving and Christmas specials, and that Honey Boo Boo and her three sisters have four different fathers. Sometimes, it feels crazy-making to be American, but then I remember that The Onion is also American. Thank you, Onion for “You Do, Of Course, Realize That This Is Going To End Very, Very Badly“. From the mouths of babes:

I’m glad people are enjoying the show. It is definitely good that people enjoy gathering around the television and laughing at my chubby cheeks, and my tacky family, and all of our hysterical antics. Just so long, of course, as people are aware that there is no possible scenario in which I will grow up to be a functional human being who is healthy and psychologically well-adjusted.

Ha! Anyway, nice work on that tribute to Honey Boo Boo, Mr. Mecier. Be sure to read the rest of The Onion story here.

Honey Boo Boo by Jason Mecier