|It’s pretty hard to curate and cover your own show, but luckily I’ve got backup from some good friends and LOVE MOVEMENT participants. While I continue to sort out my coverage of people who couldn’t take a bad photo to save their lives (let alone save me time), I present you with this great video by Toybot Studios, whose Mecha Love custom was a big hit opening night. Per Kirkland: “There just seemed to be a lot of really positive vibes and energy going on at the show. Great job to Jeremy, Shin, Nao and everyone else that made this show one of the best of the year…!” See more photos from Mr. Toybot here.
This lovely composite of the eight rows of customized T-BOYs and Dankeschoens was created by Michal Wisniowski, who said “Interpretations ranged from the literal, happy, or joyful to more contemplative, somber, or even dramatic” and posted a review of LOVE MOVEMENT, entitled “Love Movement Amazing,” here.
And here we have a photo of Nao & Shin in the “kids’ area,” which was a huge success. This photo comes courtesy of Alice Koswara’s Facebook set, where you can find excellent coverage (and prom-style photos of Phokos). I’m not on FB, but if you are, try this link.
Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes and opening night photos from me. I promise!