Here’s a clever music video by Etyan and the Embassy that breaks a world record. The four minute video was shot in one continuous take while Etyan costume-changes his
It was a weird week, and here’s how it looked in 50 photos in today’s Instagram Roundup. The incredible toy art collection of Selim Varol continues to be
Here’s one for music buffs, car collectors and graffiti gurus: The 1972 Dodge Sportsman Royal van that once contained the Melvins while on tour is currently up for
Two New York artists, Katie Heffelfinger and Jed Miner, claim to have stumbled upon a massive collection of Courtney Love’s discarded pill bottles. The duo call themselves “occupytheartworld”
I might as well turn off my cable connection right now because I don’t think I’ll see anything funnier than this Courtney Love interview today on the Internet.
Out of the five pill-based mosaics meticulously crafted by San Francisco-based artist Jason Mecier, three of his subjects have since shuffled off this mortal coil. Both Michael Jackson