The Post-iTable: A Giant Post-It Note Table from Italy
|Post-it Notes can be made monstrous or mind-bending, but at their core, they’re blank sticky slates on which to imprint imagination. Italian design agency Soup Studio harnessed the simple power of Post-it for their prototype Post-iTable (aka Yellow Paper on White Table). It’s all the whimsy of coloring on the infinite newsprint tablecloth at a casual family restaurant in the privacy of your own home!
I could kill some serious trees if that post-it note table had (college-ruled) lines! (Perhaps it’s best I stick to paper-free blogging and tiny Japanese notebooks.) Here’s two cute lines from Soup Studio’s About page:
Soup Studio collects daily challenges and new creative recipes, in order to improve and continue walking, taking care not to step on any insects. We know how to understand the subtle nuances between the yellow and blue necessary to reach the green.
It’s all about reaching the green! Check out some of the popjects designed by Soup Studio in their online shop.