Friday 06-22-12 Instagram Roundup
As we reach the end of June, the days are longer and more artists, designers and makers continue to join Instagram. This week’s Instagram Roundup shows a forecast for rainbow resin. Other trends and convergences include weird street art, street art being taken to task, cats with good taste in art, and what may or may not be Muppet genitalia.
I enjoy the Instagram iPhone app more than, for instance, Flickr’s app, because by default, it’s (at least somewhat) curated. It’s not a dump of photos from someone’s trip to somewhere; it’s (at least in the photographer’s opinion) a singular, interesting photo they want to share. Hashtags may provide some context for the shots, but overall, you’re just getting a glimpse of some random and inspiring iphoneography.
With theseĀ Instagram Roundups, I’m looking for patterns. I parse down the week’s images from the few hundred people I follow all around the world. The result is emerging artists, new toys, amusing propaganda, dark oddities and unbelievably cute animals. Click through for 40-something images posted to Instagram over the past week. Each image is credited to the original photographer in its caption, so whether you’ve got an iPhone or a web browser, seek them out and follow the image-makers that you like. For those of you on a computer, I recommend Copygram for a nice, clean Instagram web interface.
Have a great weekend!
By the time you see this, it may be too late, but if you’re interested in one of the 5 figures above, send an email to david [at] healeymade [dot] com with “Ruxpin” in the subject line. Each figure is $75 including shipping in the US.
As of this moment, an Albino Melt B.U.D. and an Albino Melt Spongebob are still available in Kevin’s etsy shop!
Don’t blame me! I tried to give you a head’s up!
Here’s a bit more on the latest Genevieve Gaukler collection for Medicom Japan.
Can’t get enough designer skulls? Here’s twenty I put together.
Oh and just as a reminder: While “black is such a happy color,” green, however, is “not a creative colour.”
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Just wanted to write a quick thank you for doing these round ups. It was because of them that I finally broke down and downloaded instagram (although it was admittedly after you had apparently stopped making these). Either way, I just went to your profile and perused those you were following to get me going. It was a big help! Thanks!
Thanks! I hope to start doing these again soon. Instagram has really become my favorite of the social networks. I know a lot of folks aren’t using it, and so I feel duty-bound to share the awesomeness!