Doktor A’s Bella Delamere in Green

Doktor A's Bella Delamere (Chase!)
Bella Delamere (Chase!) by Doktor A x Arts Unknown

Exciting news for fellow fans of green toys: SpankyStokes has shared the previously unannounced chase colorway of Doktor A‘s Bella Delamere…and it’s GREEN! The color changeup functions as a mini-makeover for the figure: Bella trades in some of her steampunk stylings and becomes the kinda (toy) chick who’d rock Sarah Illenberger’s Cabbage Dress. Beautiful!

Bella Delamere (prototype and GID chase) by Doktor A x Arts Unknown
Bella Delamere (prototype and GID chase) by Doktor A x Arts Unknown

Thar she glows!

Bella Delamere by Doktor A x Arts Unknown
Bella Delamere (painted edition) by Doktor A x Arts Unknown

I gotta say: green bias aside, ALL colorways of Doktor A’s Bella Delamere came out terrific.  And it’s also nice to know that things worked out for the UK-based producers, Arts Unknown. The last time I wrote about Arts Unknown’s toys was under the troubled title: Student Modelmaker Beats Arts Unknown to Market with a Frank Kozik Toy.

Bella Delamere (members edition) by Doktor A x Arts Unknown
Bella Delamere (members edition) by Doktor A x Arts Unknown

But the story has a happy ending, and the new company’s premiere figures by Doktor A, Frank Kozik and Gary Baseman have shipped and are mostly sold out. The Bella Delamere members edition (blood-spattered colorway) was only available to collectors who pre-purchased an Arts Unknown membership, and the GID green chase version is randomly packed into orders for the standard painted edition. Check your favorite designer toy stores to see if any are still available, and good luck!

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