The Wounded Sicklings are Stirring… New Resins by Yosiell Lorenzo
|The Wounded Sicklings are stirring. The thought of travel awakens a curiosity from deep within, but it also makes them nervous. These Sicklings are wounded. They wear sashes made of gauze like involuntary contestants in a morbid pageant, and the light hurts their sensitive eyes. With poor vision obscured by bandages, they clutch their elixir bottles for life.
Is this bottle of Healing Elixir 3/4 full or 1/4 empty? It is likely that The Sicklings see the latter, but then again, they’re wise to think conservatively. Their little lives depend on it…
Yosiell Lorenzo returns with his most intense batch of Sicklings. The Wounded Sicklings are hand-cast and painted by Yosiell in an edition of 10 pieces. Each resin figure is 4.5 inches tall and has had its “wounds” delicately wrapped with gauze. For the first time, the Sicklings will come with individual bottles of Healing Elixir, a proprietary blend of dew tea and other life-sustaining elements. In February, Yosiell released the Tea-Sipping Sicklings, each with a small cup of tea. Those Sicklings sold out in under 10 minutes. I hope they have been sipping slowly…
The first five Wounded Sicklings come in hues of blue, green, pink and grey with one extra-special albino. The remaining five will be released as part of a four-person show at Oh No Doom Gallery in Chicago on May 12th. (Yosiell will be attending.) All Sicklings come in custom packaging. Priced at $175 (including shipping) and $250 for the one-off, look for the Wounded Sicklings today, April 27th at 11am PST at
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Awesome piece(s). Yosiell really outdid himself with these, the elixir bottles look amazing! Wish I wasn’t perpetually broke like Courtney Love, oh well.