The Designer Toy Awards were an attempt to “celebrate the creativity, innovation and artistic excellence of the Art Toy market”. Say what you will about how it actually went down, but I still think it’s a good idea. While I’m happy to go on about the DTA’s many flaws (perhaps over a pot of coffee), I’m currently letting tales of appreciation from some of the night’s winners (like Gary Ham, Doktor A and Jason Freeny) wash over me. Here’s your Facebook for the DTAs.
Jim Crawford, Josh Kimberg and Miranda O’Brien: organizers of the DTAsDTAs MC, Shotgun Sean and Presenter, Tara McPhersonThe Sucklord and Lamour SupremeBest Plush Shortlist Nominee, Holly Stanway and Best Customizer Nominee, Chris Ryniak
There is a lot more ahead. Like 50 photos, dude. Click through.
SpankyStokes presenting the award for Best CollaborationRon English getting a reaction out of The Vinyl Frontier’s director, Daniel ZanaJulie B and SpankyStokesFerg accepting the award for Best Collab (Trouble Boys w/ Brandt Peters)Don’t mess with us: Dril One, Super Cooper, SpankyStokes, JeremyriadDon’t mess with them either: Lifetime Achievement Nominee, Frank Kozik with Sharon KozikThreeA Legion accepting on behalf of Artist & Manufacturer of the Year, Ashley Wood/3AMiranda O’Brien of Clutter and Julie B of Pretty in PlasticDesigner Toy Twins: The Beast Brothers!Gary Ham accepting his award for Best Self-Produced ToyJermaine Rogers and Brian McCartyBen of 3Dretro and Stephen of Plastic CityFerg accepting his award for Best 1/6 Scale FigureJeremyriad and Toy of the Year Presenter, Ron English!Skinner, Lamour Supreme, Kirby and Whitney KerrCarl accepting his award for Best CollectionPaul Kaiju making with the applauseAwesome trophies by Pete Fowler & Pretty in PlasticWhitney & Kirby Kerr of Rotofugi presenting the award for Breakthrough ArtistCloseup of Jason Freeny’s trophy for Breakthrough ArtistShawn Smith of Shawnimals presenting at the DTAsBrothers from Another Mother: Jeremyriad and ChauskoskisPatrick Lam of Munky King presenting the award for Outstanding Production to Coarse ToysZacPac at the Designer Toy Awards!Whitney and Kirby Kerr of Rotofugi accepting their awards for Best Toy StoreHolly Stanway, J*RYU, Johnjo, Shawn Smith, Brian Szabelski…Andrew Bell accepting his award for Fan FavoriteFan Favorite, Andrew Bell and Artist of the Year Shortlist Nominee, Chris RyniakFrank Kozik presenting an awardJohnjo and Holly Stanway visiting from the UKJesse Hernandez and Yoskay YamamotoJeremyriad and Ray Suavillo of DragatomiKidrobot accepting its award for Best PlatformDril One; Best Blog Shortlist Nominee, SpankyStokes and Ritzy PeriwinkleRon English presenting the award for Toy of the YearKevin Winnick of Toy2R USA and Jim Crawford, co-founder of STRANGEcoTriclops Studio presenting at the DTAsTroy Stith, Matt Hisey and their lovely GFsSucklord, Dril One and Scott TollesonQuan Vu and Jay222Simone Legno of tokidokiFrank Kozik being interviewed for real television!
There are several people missing from the pictures. I was there as a spectator, so I got what I could. I’m surprised there are so few pictures of the ceremony since there were a bunch of other bloggers there.
If you have any photos you want to send me, I’m happy to add them. I am looking for a picture of me presenting the Best Mini Series award too.
The only photo of an award is the one belonging to Jason Freeny, who asked me to accept it in his absence. I don’t really see a point of posting pictures of multiple individual awards.
Awesome pics, thanks forcall the effort tagging them. A who’s who of awesome people!
No mentions or photos of Super7’s award? What gives?
There are several people missing from the pictures. I was there as a spectator, so I got what I could. I’m surprised there are so few pictures of the ceremony since there were a bunch of other bloggers there.
If you have any photos you want to send me, I’m happy to add them. I am looking for a picture of me presenting the Best Mini Series award too.
The only photo of an award is the one belonging to Jason Freeny, who asked me to accept it in his absence. I don’t really see a point of posting pictures of multiple individual awards.
nice coverage!
(andy b of the sofubi nerd herd 😉