Snoop Dogg Portrait Made of Pot

Snoop Dogg portrait ©  Jason Mecier
Snoop Dogg © Jason Mecier

Remember Jason Mecier, the San Francisco artist behind those portraits of pill-popping celebrities made with pills? Mecier used the same technique of vice-as-medium on noted bong enthusiast Snoop Dogg. The result is a potent portrait made out of of marijuana. The 8″x8″ cannabis canvas was sold for $1,500 at this weekend’s 25th Anniversary extravaganza for one of my favorite art spaces, The La Luz de Jesus Gallery in LA.

BoingBoing has a discussion going on in their Comments section about the legality of making, selling, owning and transporting this type of work. I’m no lawyer, but it does seem kind of risky. Remember the Iranian guy who got clocked for smuggling crystal meth into Thailand “disguised as handicraft art”?