Kickstarter I’m Recommending: Puking Kitty Saucy Boat
|Oh what the hell, what’s one more?! Today’s 3rd recommended Kickstarter project is Puking Kitty Saucy Boat by Oakland’s own Gingerela & Lewis. It’s a popject that proclaims it will turn your dinner table into a feline vomitorium.
Here’s the thing about great popjects: I have absolutely no need to own a gravy boat. Additionally, I think this is gross. Gross like I feel kind of gaggy just watching the Kickstarter video. So as you can see, great popjects are not contingent on a pre-existing condition of need. In fact, I’d go as far to say some of the best popjects may manifest to design lovers as the first instance they’ve truly contemplated the said popject’s practical purpose. And, the popject can even sorta actually turn you off, and yet you’ll still want it. Alas, the power of pop, and why I’m recommending that you, my readers, pledge your money for a gravy boat in the form of a vomiting cat.
To conclude, a few ad nauseum details on the Puking Kitty Saucy Boat: $35 gets you a porcelain Puker and a CATRONICA EP, $65 gets you both Kitty colorways + the EP, $78 for a hand-painted edition customized to look like your cat, $125 for a handblown glass edition, and $150 for your cat to star in a CATRONICA song. Get you some here.