Kitty-Casso: Cat Painting Kit
|You don’t need this, but you want it: It’s “Kitty-Casso,” a cat painting kit. The Kitty Casso paint kit includes: non-toxic paint, canvas art paper, a picture frame, a surprise toy, and paint shields that go between the canvas and your cat’s little paw pads. You (the human) will need to add dabs of paint onto the canvas (beneath the paint shield) and then entice Kitty to walk all over the canvas and spread the paint. In this manner, it is a great way to collaborate with your cat. Watch this video, check out some famous cats associated with Frank Kozik, Gary Baseman, Skinner and Henri Matisse, and then pick up your Kitty-Casso cat painting kit for just $9.50 for one week here.
Weird non-toy related question: is Kozik’s cat a Bengal? My brother-in-law has a Bengal, which looks very similar to Kozik’s but I’m no cat expert. Bengals are the softest (and loudest) cats I’ve ever encountered.
FACT: Frank and Sharon Kozik have FOUR Bengal cats. I have only met Edward Goralsky, as he lives in Frank’s studio. I can confirm he is extremely soft (in fur. His attitude, certainly, is hard).